Primary Fluency Pack!
This pack includes 5 different centers + all of the materials you will need! They can be done by students with partners, and some can be completed individually. If you do Daily 5, they all would translate to "Read to Someone" extremely well! If you have a daily/weekly fluency time in your block, you can make this pack work!
My favorite part about the centers I create for my classroom, is that they aren't specific to any set of task cards or book. All 5 of these centers can be used with multiple resources...which means you can rotate through them for the entire year. Your students won't tire of them because each time you introduce a new book that will work, it feels new to them! I can personally attest that these activities can last an entire year without students complaining...I've done it. :-)
There are a few texts mentioned in the pack that I wanted to link here for easy case you don't have them! You may have several of these, but just hadn't thought to use them for fluency. :)
**Any books in these series will work very well, these are just a few examples!
One of my favorite texts/lessons to use with fluency is teaching intonation with Pigeon! Check out that lesson plan here!
Happy teaching, y'all! I hope these centers make fluency instruction a little easier for you to manage, and that it helps your students. :)

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