This post is a little snapshot of what I spent my small group time doing today. At my school, whether we like it or not, TCAP is on the brain. (no, you're not's still only February!)
This year, I wanted my students' understanding of their strengths and weaknesses in reading and language arts to be visual and concrete. I created the fancy document that you see above in response to that. From many standards-based assessments that we have taken, the kids spent some time with me coloring in the "I Can" statements about various skills that they are already considered proficient in.
Things they are still practicing, they are leaving blank for now. Throughout the entire 4th quarter, our school shifts from reading groups to skills-based groups. This way kids are still reading, still practicing comprehension, but with a focus on the skills they need to work on. This coloring sheet is showing my students exactly what they need to do.
I love the idea of giving students a real look at what they can improve on. That kind of self-assessment carried me through many difficult graduate school assignments, so I hope that I am planting a seed that they will take with them to bigger and better things one day!
You can download my skills coloring page for free at my TPT Store. It's editable, so you can add in your own standards and skills, or leave them if you also teach 4th grade ELA in Tennessee! (and if you do, please say hi) But I want to hear how you collect data on your kiddos. How do you get them to take ownership of it in your classroom?
**Note: Because my PPT file is editable, the cutesy fonts you see in the pictures do not stay put if you do not have them downloaded on your computer! I used HelloChitChat by Hello Literacy and Chelsea Market Script by Kimberly Geswein.
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